Without the generous financial support and the related cultural commitment of the many sponsors and partners from the world of business, Kunsthaus Bregenz's exhibition work would not be possible in its current form.
In return for their support, our sponsors and partners benefit from collaborating with a professional team committed to the arts sector. Implementing creative educational and event concepts, as well as brand-oriented communication and collaboration with the communication department of the respective company are the norm for us. Experiencing innovative and international contemporary art not only creates new horizons as but also promotes an innovative spirit and open mind.
Hypo Vorarlberg and Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG are longstanding sponsors, who always make a special contribution to the financing of major survey exhibitions. The company Zumtobel too has been continually supporting Kunsthaus Bregenz for many years and is an indispensable partner, particularly in the implementation of exhibitions and projects in which light is used.
We would like to thank all our partners for their loyalty!
Principal sponsor
of Kunsthaus Bregenz
Partnership 2024
With kind support of
Exclusive events for your guests and employees? Support an internationally renowned art institution?
Become a KUB cooperation partner, sponsor or private patron. Together, we develop individual event programs and communication concepts tailored to your company. We are happy to provide you with an initial, confidential insight into the exhibition plans for the coming years and the respective cooperation opportunities.
Martina Feurstein
Head of Communication & Fundraising
+43-5574-485 94-410