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Guided Tours & More
Join us on guided tours, for workshops and projects. Explore the ideas behind the exhibitions and find out more about the artists KUB is working with.
Admission & Registration
€ 7 plus entry fee
No registration needed
if not marked otherwise
Guided Tour of the exhibition
Join us for a tour offering exciting background information and insights into the exhibition concept.
Every Thursday at 6 pm
Every Sunday at 4 pm
Architectural Guided Tour
Once every exhibition, a guided tour is dedicated specifically to the award-winning building designed by Swiss architect Peter Zumthor.
The Language of Art
Apéro meets guided tour and more! Join a guided tour and learn new english phrases with Kirsten Helfrich (art education) and Chris Thomas (language teacher and native speaker).
A cooperation with the VHS Bregenz
Registration: +43-5574-525 24-0
Guided Tour with KUB Director
On special occasions KUB Director Thomas D. Trummer offers a guided tour through the current exhibition.
Art Salon for FLINTA*
A philosophical afternoon dedicated to themes from the current KUB exhibition with artist Claudia Mang, specifically for FLINTA* (an acronym for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans, and agender individuals).
Guided tour for deaf people
The tour will be accompanied by sign language interpreters.
In cooperation with the Landeszentrum für Hörgeschädigte.
Groups can also book individual tours.
Fee: € 16
Saturday, February 22, 2.30–3.30 pm
Guided tour for visually impaired and blind people
An interacitve guided tour in cooperation with the Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Vorarlberg.
Groups can also make individual bookings.
Fee: € 16. Participation is free for one chaperon
Outreach for People with Dementia
In collaboration with Aktion Demenz, KUB is inviting people with dementia and their relatives to an exchange of ideas.
Fee: € 4. Participation free for one chaperon